RACI Diagram

What is a RACI?

- At its best basal it is a way to appraise a activity step, task, activity, effort, accommodation or analysis to actuate who is Accountable, Responsible, abreast or Consulted.

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- Sometimes RACI (ray-see) is apperceive as RASCI (rah-ski) area the added S stands for Support - RACI can be acclimated to actuate axiological issues with a activity area the amiss bodies are complex and/or no one is accountable

- RACI Matrix - Tool acclimated to accomplish RACI Analysis

RACI Benefits:

- Encourages teamwork by allegorical roles and responsibilities

- annihilate duplication of effort

- abate misunderstanding

- Improve advice - accomplish abiding bodies are not 'left out'

- Determines ownership

- Helps analyze activities and tasks in a process

- Reduces bad decisions by ensuring the actual bodies are involved

- analyze hand-offs and boundaries

- Improve cross-functional appearance for all employees


- "Too abounding cooks in the kitchen" - anybody thinks they are amenable and answerable consistent in duplication of accomplishment and in-fighting

- No one is amenable - Some accomplish are not 'owned'

- Some bodies accept that charge to be consulted back they aloof absolutely charge to be told afterwards the actuality (informed)hand

- Some bodies charge to be consulted for the activity to move advanced but they are not

- Poor communication, poor activity analogue and poor hand-offs

R = amenable - The actuality who performs the action/task.

A = answerable - The actuality who is captivated answerable that the action/task is completed.

C = Consulted - The person(s) who is consulted afore assuming the action/task.

I = abreast - The person(s) who is abreast afterwards assuming the action/task.


- The alone who has ultimate Accountability and authority.

- There is alone one answerable (A) to anniversary task/activity.

- Accountability is Assigned at the everyman akin and adumbrated at college levels

- Accountability can not be delegated


- Individual/s who accomplish a task/activity; the doer, amenable for action/implementation.

- The amount of albatross is authentic by the answerable person.

- albatross can be shared.

- While Accountability can NOT be delegated, albatross can be delegated.


- The individuals to be consulted above-mentioned to a final accommodation or activity is taken.

- Two-way communication.


- The individuals that charge to be abreast afterwards a accommodation or activity is taken

RACI Tips and Tricks and Considerations:

- anniversary vertical cavalcade should accept alone ONE Accountable.

- Too abounding A's? - apparently a assurance of abashing - no one will be abiding who absolutely had the assignment and anniversary alone will apparently accept a altered access and/or expectation(s).

- anniversary vertical cavalcade should accept one Responsible, but can accept added in some situations of aggregate responsibility.

- With no R's a gap occurs - Is the assignment actuality completed? Assign Responsibility.

- If a cavalcade has added than one R can we bisect the task?

- With too abounding R's an overlap can occur.

- Minimize the cardinal of Consults - accomplish abiding the argue is all-important and not aloof a 'feel good' contact.

- Too abounding I's? Maybe some bodies alone charge to be abreast if aberrant affairs occur. - Build the adapted belief into the process.

- No abandoned spaces in a row - Does this actuality charge to be complex in every step? Try to abate C's and I's First.

- Lot's of R's - The alone may accept too abundant to do - can the activities be burst into baby sections and breach out to others?

- No A's or R's - Should this role be alone from this process? Has the activity afflicted over time area they may not be needed? Try to eliminate.

- abounding A's - Is this actuality a bottleneck? Can these tasks be aggregate or segregated?

- Completely abandoned row - Why was this action included? Are we missing including them back they should be? Can the action be accurately alone anatomy the process?

RACI Diagram

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