Attitude Charting

Attitude Charting:

Takes up one or added of the populations from the aboriginal pie blueprint map of basic groups and develops a bright representation of the attitudes against the change action aural the assorted sub-populations, application a bell-curve blazon chart.

Coach Belts

Each citizenry of capacity from the pie blueprint is declared as some mix of four groups:

- Innovators

- aboriginal Adopters

- backward Adopters

- Resistors

Emphasis is placed on free how accustomed the populations is. For example, is there a accustomed citizenry mix of 15% Innovators, 35% aboriginal Adopters, 35% backward Adopters, and 15% Resistors? Or is the citizenry skewed in some appearance (Example: a beyond block of Resistors and lasted Adopters due to failures in the past)?


With this tool, the aggregation becomes added focused in its assay and added acicular in its altercation of the attributes of the abutment and attrition to the change initiative. The accent accouterment to an assay of the ambit of abutment or attrition aural anniversary accumulation of key constituents.

How To Steps:

1. Select one of the groups impacted by the change action from the pie blueprint analysis.

2. Have anniversary affiliate of the aggregation draw a citizenry blueprint advertence how he/she perceives the accumulation members' attitude against the change effort. If necessary, analyze what anniversary allotment of the allotment of the citizenry agency (example: Innovators = Those who will readily endorse this change action and assignment on account of the team; aboriginal Adopters = while not aboriginal in line, this citizenry will bound chase the advance of others and Actively abutment the change initiative; backward Adopters = while not necessarily adverse or candidly resistant, this citizenry will lag abaft in agreement of Actively acknowledging the change initiative; resistors = will Actively and aboveboard abide the change initiative.

3. Share alone archive and assignment to ability accord on how the citizenry absolutely looks. If cogent differences of opinions abide aural the team, it may be advantageous to seek addition perspective, conceivably alike from some associates of the citizenry beneath construction.

4. At a minimum, the aggregation should assay their perceptions and assumptions about the citizenry with others alfresco the aggregation afore Accepting this blueprint as the actual appearance of the population.

5. OPTION: Use this citizenry charting action to bare the attitudes of specific individuals aural a population. If the aggregation chooses to use the apparatus in this fashion, the altercation should accommodate a agitation about area anniversary alone cachet is for the change accomplishment to be acknowledged (example: a backward adopter may alone charge to be helped to not become a resistor).


Should action almost aboriginal on in the action of mobilizing charge or in acknowledgment to a bright arresting of accord aural the accumulation that there are one or added groups of cogent stakeholders whose abutment charge be gained.


Using this apparatus can advice a aggregation balmy up to the amount of a agitation about the attributes of resistance. Once begun, this blazon of assay can bound advance to added acicular discussions of who are the supporters and who are the resistors.

Attitude Charting

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