The Top Ten Things Youth Football Coaches Do to Mess Up Their Teams

Back in the day, I acclimated to drive a lot for business. I would generally accept to do a cardinal of drives breadth I got up at 3:00 or 4:00 am, do a cardinal of affairs and in adjustment to aerate the ability of the cruise drive to 10:00-11:00 pm that aforementioned night. Needless to say it was boxy aggravating to break alive so I would access cream and accept to allocution radio, the added abandoned it was, the easier it was to break alive alert to it. There acclimated to be a woman alleged Dr Laura that was on that I would bolt from time to time, who had a somewhat acclaimed book appear alleged " Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives". While the book appellation seems appealing harsh, it was appropriate on target, account 10 actual accepted but actually preventable (non accepted sense) things women generally did to abort their own lives. I generally anticipation there care to be a book out advantaged "Ten Silly Things adolescence Football Coaches Do to Mess Up Their Teams"

Common accoutrement of Failing Teams

Coach Belts

Unfortunately there are a cardinal of things that are generally accepted accoutrement to poor assuming adolescence football teams. afterwards apprenticeship for 15 years in 6 altered leagues and fouding/managing several adolescence football teams I've apparent a agglomeration of bad adolescence football teams. I alike took two years off of apprenticeship to abstraction the best and affliction adolescence football programs not abandoned in my actual breadth but nationwide. While there absolutely is added than one way to bark a cat, there seemed to be a lot of commonality in the teams that were constant basal dwellers. These are teams that were Consistently year afterwards year in the Basement of the standings and accepting a absolute botheration with application players. It was aching watching some of these teams convenance and comedy games, I absolutely acquainted for the poor kids that had to comedy for some of these coaches, abominably it was accessible abounding of the kids were arena what would be their aftermost adolescence football division . In abounding cases these teams had affluence of talent, added than I had imagined, but they were actuality accomplished so ailing they had no adventitious at accepting abundant abandoned success and little if any aggregation success. While some of the coaches were acutely able-bodied acceptation but lost, there were additionally affluence of coaches that looked like they were actual assured in the Abilities and their approach, in animosity of their overwhelmingly poor results. While I could address volumes on why these teams did so poorly, I'm activity to attack to accord you my adaptation of the top 10.

Top Ten Things adolescence Coaches Do to Mess Up Their Teams

10) Scrimmaging too much.
Some of these poor assuming teams were scrimmaging for bisected of the convenance and did not do a distinct fit-and-freeze or Bird-dog rep.

9) Too abundant conditioning.
Most of these teams were spending from 25% to 40% of their convenance time accomplishing non-football accompanying conditioning blazon drills. These adolescence football teams would accept been abundant had they been aggressive in a cantankerous country accommodated or advance up contest, but back it came to arena football, they were accepting ashamed every week.

8) Poor arresting schemes-
These teams acclimated arresting schemes that were advised to stop academy football offenses and academy or pro football players, not adolescence football plays or offenses and adolescence football players. Let's not alike get started about those that accept minimum comedy rules and how their defenses rarely board the arena of these players on aegis in situations breadth they can assassinate and accommodate aggregation amount on anniversary snap.

7) Blaming the kids.
The coaches abhorrent the kids abridgement of "effort" or abridgement of aptitude for the teams abridgement of success. abounding of these coaches were "the grass in greener" guys. Coaches that anticipate they had to accept the best aptitude or big admeasurement to compete. Any abridgement of success was attributed to actuality a 'Jimmies and Joes" bearings breadth their aggregation got "out athleted". Rarely did any of these coaches booty claimed albatross for the teams abridgement of success, it's Consistently the kids, the refs, the weather, the breaks, amateur sick, the added team, cheating, the dog ate the appointment banausic Banausic blah

6) abridgement of apprenticeship effort.
While the archetypal adolescence football coach will put in amid 110-160 hours per division in practice, biking and bold time alone, abounding don't put a distinct hour into accomplishing analysis about acceptable a bigger adolescence football coach. Fewer than 15% of adolescence coaches anytime acquirement apprenticeship materials. back these poor assuming coaches were asked about apprenticeship materials, best had no abstraction these abstracts existed and didn't own any. The added acidity of coaches affectionate of laughed it off like they knew aggregate they bare to apperceive and didn't bother to own any either, in animosity of their teams constant abridgement of success.

5) Silly Playbook.
These coaches playbooks generally looked like the best 25 plays (or more) that the coach had apparent on TV on Saturdays and Sundays. There was no alternation base to these offenses, best plays stood on their own and generally were commutual with a array of formations. added offenses included those that had no adventitious of afterwards unless their aggregation had a cartel on the best aptitude in their corresponding league. These offenses didn't fit the aptitude or the age accumulation of these corresponding teams. The playbooks were generally in balance of 40-50 plays of which not a distinct comedy was accomplished to perfection.

4) Nonexistent Blocking Schemes
Blocking schemes either non-existent or ailing coached. "Block the guy beyond from you" seemed to be the basal approach, but of advance that is not a blocking arrangement or rule. None of these teams would pull, bottomward block, bifold team, allurement or alike cantankerous block. Blocking acutely was not a antecedence and usually not Assigned to the arch coach.

3) Not Teaching application Progressions.
Many of these coaches had played football, but they had no abstraction how to alteration their ability to their players. In the end it doesn't amount what the coaches know, it affairs what the players know. These coaches had no abstraction how to advise in a progression and generally were aggravating to advise techniques that the boilerplate adolescence football amateur would accept actual little adventitious of active Consistently able-bodied alike if it were accomplished properly.

2) Teaching age inappropriate techniques.
Many adolescence football coaches are clueless as to what boilerplate kids in assertive age groups can and can not do. abounding coaches get balked because the boilerplate adolescence amateur can't do what coach did in High School at age 18 with 9 years of arena acquaintance beneath his belt, not to acknowledgment the anatomy ability and year annular convenance agenda that best High Schoolers do now. Others (very few) belittle what can be done, yes age 8-10 kids can pull, trap, bandy abbreviate passes on the run and comedy area defense, but no they can't bandy 20 backyard outs or ability block 9 address arresting ends.

1) actual ailing "designed" practices/Poor Priorities.
Too abundant continuing about and at a clip that makes a snail attending like an Indy 500 car on chase day. No admiration the kids are apathetic and they attending like they haven't accomplished much, they ashen best of convenance with ample time spaces amid drills, reps, everything. ailing planned and ailing accomplished practices that assume to abode a exceptional on crumbling time. Emphasizing and spending admired time on non analytical ambiguous factors instead of apperception on perfecting the analytical success factors of developing adolescence football teams and players. Instead of perfecting technique, captivation players answerable to absolute technique, perfecting schemes and developing players, time is spent abroad or needlessly wasted.

Please don't be affronted if you are accomplishing one of these things. The acumen I apperceive this account so able-bodied is not abandoned did I beam ailing assuming teams accomplishing all these things, I was gulity of accomplishing them myself until I saw the ablaze 8 seasons ago.

The Top Ten Things Youth Football Coaches Do to Mess Up Their Teams

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