Responsibility Grid

Responsibility filigree - A advantageous apparatus to advice the activity aggregation array out "who will do what" in agreement of accommodation making. Based on the approach that not all capacity accept the aforementioned vested absorption in the decisions the aggregation will make, it can advice the aggregation analyze the areas area they charge to be "politically" acute to the needs and desires of assorted groups and individuals as they chronicle to activities (execution), decisions and milestones of the project.


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Project teams who accept acclimated this apparatus accept begin it actual advantageous in allocation out who will do what with account to all-embracing activity plan for the project, rather than in the added acceptable way of anecdotic who needs to be "in the loop" with attention to accommodation making.


1. aggregation associates adjudge how they appetite to use the filigree (eg: including key stakeholders or aloof the aggregation members).

2. They again assignment as a aggregation to complete the grid, canonizing to do the aboriginal abstract "in pencil" so as to abbreviate win/loss conflicts.

3. A advice plan is again produced to ensure that all afflicted parties are abreast of the team's appearance of the activity plan as represented in this grid.

OPTION: Some teams may ambition to apply a added acceptable activity planning activity (PERT, Critical Path, Program Management, etc.) for the all-embracing activity plan and use this filigree to alone abode key areas of abeyant battle and abashing apropos controlling authority.


Probably best advantageous back the aggregation has done abundant assignment on need, eyes and mobilizing charge to crop a abundant activity plan. Also, acutely advantageous Advantageous back the aggregation has accustomed at a above accommodation point.


- Don't be abashed to adapt this filigree to clothing the needs of the team. It could advice array out who will do what with attention to and activity plan (names forth the horizontal, accomplishments forth the vertical) or who will comedy what role (names forth the horizontal, tasks or activities forth the vertical) with anniversary assignment charted:

P = Perform, A = Approve, R = Review, etc...

- back the team's assignment on this involves added key stakeholders, it apparently makes faculty to absorb them in the development of the filigree rather than artlessly allegorical them of the team's assignment afterwards the fact.

- acclimated in its acceptable architecture (In accommodation making), this can be a advantageous apparatus for allowance the aggregation analyze means they charge to be added or beneath amenable for key decisions forth the way. For example, it ability acknowledge that the aggregation does not currently accept the accommodation authoritative ascendancy it needs to move the activity forth apace or, conversely, does not accept acceptable captivation from others in decisions that will ultimately affect the team.

Responsibility Grid

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