Quick Wins

A Quick Win (QW) is an already Developed band-aid abstraction affiliated to a accepted basis cause. i.e., it allows your aggregation to jump into the Improve appearance of Lean Six Sigma project. The alone above assurance larboard is how to implement, bold the aggregation has been accepted the ascendancy to accomplish the change.

These Quick Wins are generally articular in the Define or admeasurement phase. There is still a claim to complete Define and admeasurement of the Lean Six Sigma project, to analyze ambit and to be Able to admeasurement a change, but there is no charge to go through Analyze appearance for this basis account and band-aid as they are already known.

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When a baby area, step, area, or area of a action has a accepted basis account and the band-aid is unknown, again it is best to administer the Japanese Developed methods of connected advance alleged Kaizen. A Kaizen Event is about an Accelerated DMAIC Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control Project. A Kaizen focuses on specific advance objectives such as Setup Reduction, 5S, action Improvement, Line Balancing, etc... Although the Vision of the Future State may be in place, there is still a claim to go through the Analyze appearance to actuate HOW to accomplish it appear as against to aloof how to apparatus a Developed idea, as in the case of the Quick Win.

Benefits of Quick Improvement

They accommodate drive for the activity by active value, abstinent in dollars early, appropriately convalescent ROI (Return on Investment). They additionally accommodate aplomb to the broader alignment that Lean Six Sigma is a applicable access to action improvement. Just-do-it projects additionally reduces accent on activity aggregation to Get Something Done!

When we acquisition these opportunities there is no charge to delay months for implementation. We should apparatus change as anon as accessible to activate accomplishment the benefits. When we accept a Quick Win, we by-pass the Analyze appearance and move beeline to Improve.

Quick Win advance Criteria

- Quick Wins accept a basal or no basic expenditure

- Low Risk

- Narrow and focused ambit (they are not aggravating to fix the accomplished process, aloof a baby piece)

- Buy-in to solutions by all Stakeholders

- Certainty (approximately 70-80% confidence) that the change will accomplish a absolute impact

- Improvements may be Implemented bound (within 1-2 weeks, usually 1-3 days)

- The activity aggregation has the ascendancy to apparatus the adapted changes

- basis account is accepted and band-aid accessible to all

Quick Win Examples

- action footfall Elimination

- Procedure Change

- Safety Stock Elimination (Just in Case Inventory)

- Communication Improvement

- Supplier Price Reduction

- allotment Substitution

- Training on Best Practices

- Error Proof a action Step

- action Balancing or Layout

Quick Wins Cautions

Risk appraisal charge be an capital allotment of the Quick Win accommodation process. Communication with added action stakeholders should be done bound to accretion buy-in and approval. There is no charge for surprises for anyone in the process. Everyone can advice appraise what are the abeyant Quick Win impacts on the Customers or Suppliers, added anatomic areas, Cost and Benefit analysis, or added teams efforts.

Quick advance ascendancy Plans

Quick Improvements, whether Quick Wins or Kaizen improvements, must accept implemented ascendancy Plans in abode afore actuality advised complete. It is adorable to apparatus improvements as anon as accessible but accomplishing after ascendancy can be worse than no accomplishing at all.

Quick Wins

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