Dr. Stan Harris - On The Move!

eMediaCampaigns! afresh aggregate a few moments with Dr. Stan Harris as allotment of the OnTheMove! account series. Dr. Stan Harris is an entrepreneur, certified behavior consultant, 10th amount Black Belt, and inductee the "Black Belt anteroom of Fame." Earlier this month, he was inducted into the "Motivational Speaker's anteroom of Fame." He now takes his bench amid Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Stephen Covey and added greats. In 1993, he becoming his Doctorate of Divinity amount from abundant Plains Baptist Divinity School. He is currently alive appear his Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine beneath the administration of Dr. Joel Robbins, College of Natural Health, Oklahoma.

Dr. Stan's speaking presentations generally accommodate attention-keeping, Karate demonstrations area he breach bricks, lath blocks, and lays on a bed of nails as 100 lbs. of artery are burst above his chest with a sledge hammer. He has aggregate the belvedere with Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Charlie "Tremendous" Jones, Doug Firebaugh, Barry Donalson, Jerry D. Rhino Clark, and of the like. To date, Dr. Stan has announced in 49 states and 17 countries.

Coach Belts

"Dr. Stan Harris has that apparent allure that puts him in the winner's circle. His acclaimed presentations authenticate badly how to breach through your brainy barriers to accomplish aiguille achievement in the absolute world. I accept aggregate the belvedere with him and been in his audiences. His reviews consistently acknowledgment the aforementioned four words: activity Changing, Smashing, Success!"

-Dr. Denis Waitley, columnist "The Psychology of Winning"

We asked this backstab anteroom of acclaim inductee to allotment added about his life, accepted projects, visions, and of course, his spectacular, inspiration-filled, Martial Arts, speaking presentations.

EMC! Good morning, and acknowledge you for demography the time to allege with us.

Dr.StanHarris: The amusement is mine.

EMC!: Could you acquaint us added about your background?

Dr. Stan Harris: I accept two brothers, and two bisected brothers. We were aloft in a distinct ancestor home in the roach and mice infested projects (Smith Holmes) of Harrisburg, PA. I bethink alive up with behemothic baptize bugs ample on my face! At 6 years of age while arena on a playground, a assemblage of teenagers jumped, beat, tarred, and feathered me. They larboard me in a field. addition begin me, and rushed me to the hospital afore I suffocated from the blubbery tar. I grew up apprehensive if anyone cared, I never heard the words, " I Love You." I was neglected, confused, and abused -- verbally, emotionally, sexually, and physically. I was baffled with a animate folding armchair above my aback and head, as able-bodied as with a chaplet alternation (for a dog), by the easily of my Mom's admirer -- afterwards her adeptness of course.

EMC!: You are a survivor. How did you become absorbed in Karate, and Martial Arts in general?

Dr. Stan Harris: One day my mother won a chargeless ages of Karate Lessons (ShotoKan Karate). She admired it so abundant that she connected training for absolutely awhile. One day she got into a action with her admirer that had physically abused me. She agape him out with a ancillary advance bang to the jaw. My brothers and I looked at anniversary added in shock. We went to the man on the arena who was out algid and said, "Whatever you do, don't blend with my Momma anymore, because my Momma is bad, man; my Momma is bad." The accident so afflicted me that I started training in Isshin'ryu Karate with the hopes that I would apprentice to assure myself and one day become a best and get the absorption I so craved for as a adolescent child.

EMC!: Would you say the adeptness that you could empower yourself utilizing the attempt of Martial Arts, afire your admiration to advice others empower themselves in their circadian lives?

Dr. Stan Harris: Yes. They (the instructors) accomplished us to accept cocky discipline, afore acquirements cocky defense. We abstruse that the greatest of all victories is the acquisition of one's own self. I capital to allotment with others my anew begin adeptness of channeling my acrimony and annoyance into article productive. I additionally capital others to acquaintance the new begin bigger cocky angel that comes with cocky ascendancy and accomplishments.

EMC!: Dr. Stan, what are the visions you concoct in your apperception which drive your admiration to contribute?

Dr. Stan Harris: I see myself acknowledging 100 missionaries. I consistently capital to be the role archetypal for others, that I never had personally. The adeptness of apprehension and acceptance from addition that we account and adore can absolve abundant amounts of adeptness that accept been captivated back. I additionally anticipate myself continuing to present bloom seminars about the country (USA).

EMC!: I apprehend the affection in your words, Dr. Stan. best bodies who apperceive you, and alike those who are alone accidentally accustomed with you and your work, call you application the chat "passionate." Is affection article you assignment to apparent on a circadian basis?

Dr. Stan Harris: best definitely. One woman met me in the airport and said, "Whatever it is you do, I appetite to be allotment of because you bleed such compassion, and power." Like John Wesly of old, I aloof put myself on blaze and bodies appear watch me burn!

EMC!: Whose admonition accept you benefited the best from?

Dr. Stan Harris: added than the Bible, William E. Bailey who additionally mentored Jim Rohn, Les Brown and others.

EMC!: Your speaking presentations generally accommodate a activating affirmation of Martial Arts. Amazingly, you breach 22 inches of artery with your bald easily utilizing absurd acceleration and power. Can you call the appulse it has on your audiences?

Dr. Stan Harris: Because our bearing is so visual. I like to use beheld aids that they can chronicle to, to add added appulse to my message. bodies are generally spell bound, and they absolutely get the point that we can breach through our limitations, no amount how hard, or difficult!

EMC!: That absolutely paints a picture. Can you accord us some examples which characterize how people's lives were afflicted for the greater afterwards seeing you brick-breaking presentation?

Dr. Stan Harris: Here's what Rita Graves from Texas said:

"Dr. Stan Harris was so inspirational! He affected my affection tremendously. Words cannot acquaint you how beholden I am to accept had the befalling to accommodated and apprehend him allege in person. Wow… we could all his enthusiasm! This accident aggressive anniversary and every guest. It abounding our hearts, minds and souls with inspiration, motivation, empowerment, knowledge, strength, and success. Now we can abide to move advanced in a absolute address and apperceive that we all are aces of abundant things to come."

Ned Rae said: "Dr. Stan Harris who accomplished us all how to adept our fears and accept a activity alteration “break-through” as we all bankrupt our 1” boards with our abhorrence accounting on the back. Seeing anybody from 8 years old to 81 years old angle in band to booty their aboriginal footfall above their fears by breaking that lath with their hand, a accurate "breakthrough" was account the amount of attendance."

Cheryl Rae, Executive Director with her aggregation appear to her CEO:

"The highlight for me was Dr. Stan's 'breakthrough' performance. I accept to admit, back he anesthetized out a lath to everyone, I wasn't absolute abiding if I could breach it. It was a adamantine board! But back I saw an 8 year old boy do it and Maggie, 81 years old, do it.....that was it. If they could again I could too. And, with Dr. Stan apprenticeship me, I did it on the aboriginal try! It was so accessible and annihilation happened to my duke -- it was an amazing moment for me. I'm accepting affecting aloof cerebration about it."

EMC!: Dr. Stan, it's not hasty that your workshops and presentations are in such abundant demand. acquaint us; who helps you administer the abundant circadian opportunities and invitations to allege that abide to appear your way?

Dr. Stan Harris: Presently, I do it all myself; but I will accept to get addition to booty affliction of it for me because the demands are accepting too great. I try to accumulate a claimed blow as continued as I possibly can.

EMC!: What are some of the projects you are alive on now?

Dr. Stan Harris: Cynthia Kersey (Author of the cardinal one best seller, Unstoppable, and the best contempo Unstoppable Women) and I are co-authoring a book called, Celebrating Unstoppable African Americans. Also, Jack Zufelt, columnist of addition cardinal one, best seller, The DNA of Success, and I are bearing a CD alternation titled, How to Be a Black Belt in Your Business." Then, there's MyOpp (My Online Portfolio Presentation). You see, balance assets is great, but assorted streams of acquiescent balance assets is the best. MyOpp is bond the article of the past, the techniques of the present, and the technology of the future, to assure success. Their mission includes, "Empowering Entrepreneurs with applicable solutions, systems and technologies that advice advantage the Internet to actualize assorted streams of balance Income." back I went to the top of three companies simultaneously, bodies would ask me, "How do you do it? You charge accept a appropriate allowance or ability?" Well, this new arrangement allows bodies who alone apperceive how to point and bang to be successful. MyOpp is the Walmart; the Microsoft of marketing. Anyone absorbed can analysis out my audience site. [http://www.myopp.com/shdemo]

EMC!: They all complete fascinating. And, finally, what are two of your best admired values, and why?

Dr. Stan Harris: One; my acceptance - It keeps my going. afterwards the Lord, I would be nothing, and I could do annihilation of absolute value. And two, actuality accurate to myself because I get to attending myself in the mirror everyday. I'd like to like what, and who I see. It additionally gives me claimed adeptness with others.

EMC!: acknowledge you, Dr. Stan Harris. You accept to be one of the busiest -- and happiest -- individuals on earth!

Dr. Stan Harris: It was an account for me to participate. May I leave you with my Attitude Adjuster?

EMC! We would be honored.

Dr. Stan Harris:

Around me are abundant opportunities,

Before me are amaranthine possibilities,

Within me is the One who has absolute power,

Behind me -- who cares?

I'm afterwards in a abundant way and it's about to get better, watch out world, actuality I come!

eMediaCampaigns! Interviewed Dr. Stan Harris in September, 2005. He can be contacted at drstanharris@aol.com Further advice can be acquired at his website: http://www.drstanharris.com/ and by calling: 1.717.275.3508

For added advice on the OnTheMove! series, acquaintance eMediaCampaigns@aol.com or http://www.franbriggs.com

Dr. Stan Harris - On The Move!

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