The Top Ten Ways to De-Motivate People As a Manager

1. Micro-manage

(People will do absolutely what is requested and monitored and no more)

Coach Belts

2. Give bodies arduous assignments back they don't accept the abilities for the work

(This will advance to burn-out and poor assurance afterwards the adventure of the new appointment wears off)

3. Evaluate all assignment all the time

(Measuring all assignment and giving actual acknowledgment will advance to bodies demography short-cuts aloof to get acceptable array and will sub-optimize the accomplished system)

4. Keep communications closed

(When bodies do not accept admission to authoritative information, they actualize their own, usually amiss and advance it around)

5. Reward all the time

(People will lose absorption in the work, abnormally if they adore it)

6. accept lots of asinine contests and competitions

(Treating adults like accouchement will aftermath agnate behavior)

7. Rank and amount bodies adjoin anniversary other

(This is the best way to abort relationships at work)

8. accept a anniversary achievement review

(This will serve to admonish bodies that they are never absolutely in ascendancy of their afterlife at work)

9. Punish often

(This is the best way to lower assurance and advice bodies to lose all joy at work)

10. Call bodies animal basic but advance added in technology and machines)

(This will admonish bodies that they consistently appear a abroad additional abutting to any new investment)

Now, that you accept abstruse these rules, balloon them! Be different! Organizations, our abridgement and our association charge managers to be different. Everything we accept approved to date accept bootless people. bodies appearance their assignment as aloof jobs to accomplish ends meet. Joy has been absent at work. Is it any admiration why America doesn't aftermath annihilation anymore? Is it any admiration why bodies can't delay to retire? Be altered as a baton and the apple will be a bigger place!

I'll be auspicious you on as you go!

Craig Nathanson

The Top Ten Ways to De-Motivate People As a Manager

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